Cavendish Select Board Meetings take place at 6:30 pm in the Cavendish Town Office. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Act upon minutes of June 11 th, 2018.
3. Adjust Agenda
4. Hear Citizens
5. Board to hear presentation from residents of Tierney Road regarding a proposal of a Temporary Zoning Land and/or Property Use on Tierney Road.
6. Diane McNamara, Town Treasurer, to present delinquent tax note, tax anticipation note and grant anticipation note for Select Board for consideration and approval.
7. Select Board to review and set the FY 2018-2019 Tax Rates.
8. Select Board to consider letter of resignation from Diane McNamara as Lister.
9. Board to consider purchase of a replacement Town Utility Truck.
10. Town Manager to brief Select Board on Dog Issue in town and discuss possible action.
11. Select Board to review and consider paving proposals for Twenty Mile Stream Rd.
12. Town Manager to update Board on various Town Projects.
13. Other business
14. Adjourn