Support Cavendish Connects

Cavendish Connects depends on donations to keep the website, the blog, and its social media outreach available to the community; your support will aid us in continuing to grow the site. 

Make Your Donation by Credit Card

We are happy to now be able to process credit card donations online through the secure service Stripe. Please click the "Donate" button below to process your donation.


Make Your Donation by Check

We accept checks as well. Please click on the link below, complete and mail the form to Cavendish Connects c/o Margo Caulfield, P.O. Box 3, Cavendish, VT 05142. Please make checks payable to Cavendish Connects. Having trouble downloading the form? Please e-mail us at

Donate to Cavendish Connects by Check >


Thank you for your support!