Want to Know What's Going on in Cavendish?

During the recent Select Board (SB) meetings on rebuilding the Town Garage, the issue of transparency was raised. In order to help residents and property owners understand where to get information about Cavendish, actions being taken by the SB and how to participate, the following resources have been compiled:

• The public is invited to all SB meetings. The regular monthly SB meeting takes place the second Monday of every month at 6:30 pm at the Town Office. "Hear Audience," that portion of the meeting where those in attendance can bring up topics of importance to them, takes place at the beginning of the meeting. If you have an item you wish to bring to the SB's attention, be sure to arrive by 6:30.

• Agendas for the various SB meetings are posted

-       At the town office

-       On the bulletin board outside the Town Office

-       At the town’s website

-       Cavendish VT Facebook page

-       Cavendish Connects blog/calendar and Cavendish Update

The town manager also e-mails the agenda to SB members and interested parties.

• Where to learn about what is discussed at the SB Meetings:

-       LPC-TV posts on their website all meetings they record within two days of the event. This is gavel to gavel coverage. These meetings are also aired regularly on Comcast public access channels. Note that LPC-TV primarily covers the monthly meetings.

-       The town’s website posts unapproved minutes on-line within approximately 5 days of the meeting.

-       Cavendish VT Facebook Page/ Cavendish Connects/Cavendish Update. The Cavendish Update provides summaries of monthly SB meetings etc., which are also posted to The Dish on the Cavendish Connects website.

-       The Vermont Journal provides coverage of monthly meetings and includes reports in their on-line and in print newspaper. Note that the Vermont Journal is Cavendish’s paper of record, which is free and mailed once a week. It is also available for free at various locations around town.

-       The Chester Telegraph often provide coverage of SB meetings but is only available on-line.

• All legal notices and warnings are printed by the Vermont Journal and included on their website. In addition, the town website and Cavendish Connects/Update includes this information.

• The Cavendish VT Facebook page has several administrators, and has been set up so the public can read the page regardless of Facebook status. This is the best place to go for immediate news and information.

•  If you have questions, or something isn’t clear, call the Town office 802-226-7292.