Got Flu? Cavendish Care Packages

This year’s flu is off to a roaring start, and early indications are it’s going to be a banner year-and not in a good way.

To help with both flu awareness and to provide some comfort to those affected, the Cavendish Home school community in conjunction with the Cavendish Historical Society, Cavendish Connects and the Cavendish Baptist Church are preparing Cavendish Cares Packages (CCPs). The packages contain items to help prevent the spread of flu as well as provide comfort to those who already have it. These will be available from now through April (flu season).

Packages are available by e-mailing or called 226-7131. Please specify if a child is ill.

If you would like to help with this project, you can drop off the following items for the CCPs at the Cavendish Baptist Church between 7am and 7pm every day through the side entrance at the back of the church - through the double doors under the porch supported by crosses.  There is a bin labeled "Cavendish Cares Donations" just inside those doors.  

• Tissues, toilet paper, paper towels

• herb teas

• honey 

• cough drops

• lip balm

• hand sanitizer

• disinfectant

• Water

• Electrolyte solutions, such as Gatorade and Powerade

• ibuprofen

• acetaminophen

• children’s acetaminophen

If you would like to help in other ways, such as being a distribution or collection point, please e-mail or call 802-226-7807


• Cover your mouth and nose every time you cough or sneeze. Use a tissue and throw it away. Use your arm (not your hand).

• Observe regular cleaning habits if someone at home has the flu. Pay special attention to doorknobs, faucets, refrigerator handles, and phones.

• Vaccinate. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that everyone six months of age and older should get a flu shot.

• Every time you use a tissue, throw it in the trash and then wash your hands.

Remember not to share anything that goes into the mouth.


Wash your hands often and well. Use soap and water for at least 15 seconds.

• Avoid contact with sick people.

• Stay home when you are sick.

Have alcohol hand sanitizer on hand if you don’t have access to soap and water.

If you have the flu: Flu symptoms can often be confused with the common cold, but the flu usually comes on more suddenly and is more severe. Symptoms may include fever (usually high), headache, tiredness and weakness (can be extreme), dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body or muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (much more common among children than adults).

A person who is sick with the flu is contagious. That means they can spread viruses. Adults can be contagious from one day before having symptoms to seven days after getting sick. Children can be contagious for longer than seven days.

If you start to get flu symptoms:

- Get plenty of rest.

- Drink plenty of liquids.

- Don't use alcohol or tobacco.

- Stay home from work or school to protect others from catching your illness.

- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue every time you cough or sneeze.

Take medication to lessen the symptoms of flu, but NEVER give aspirin to children or teenagers who have flu-like symptoms, especially fever, without first checking with your health care provider.