Cavendish Update 6/18/21: 131 Vibration Concerns/News/Covid/Events


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1.    Route 131 Road Construction Vibrations

2.    Cavendish Info

3.    Covid update

 4.   Events

1. ROUTE 131 ROAD CONSTRUCTION VIBRATIONS: At Monday night’s Cavendish Select Board meeting (6/14), there was an extensive discussion on the impact of vibrations from the 131 road construction project, particularly from vibrating rollers designed for highway construction. Since that meeting Pike Industries has applied to VTrans to change the work order, making the villages “no vibrations zone,” which would eliminate the use of these heavy rollers. A decision should be made within seven days by Vtrans. If you live on 131, take pictures as you will need to be able to document before and after should the construction impact your property. A full report on this topic is available at the Dish.

 The weekly update for next week’s construction project has yet to be posted by VTrans. It will be posted to the Cavendish VT Facebook page as soon as we receive it. If you have questions about the 131 project, check the VTrans handout.



• Fire District 2 (Cavendish Village) Annual Meeting 6/15/21: While the election of members of the Prudential Board (the governing body of the fire district) were duly elected for the coming year and a change was made to move the annual meeting from Feb to the third Tuesday of May, the bulk of the meeting once again focused on having one fire department for the town. This year’s effort for a merger was spearheaded by Rolf van Schaik who proposed an amendment that would reduce the budget amount request of $97,450.00 to approximately $37,000. He pointed out that all of the strategies tried in previous years had failed so it was time for a new approach-basically eliminate the bulk of the Cavendish Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) budget-which would in effect close it. The chair of the meeting, and CVFD volunteer, Abe Gross noted that since the state doesn’t allow fire districts to close- they are required to merge- that would appear to leave CVFD in the position to either fundraise more money or borrow it to continue. Either way it would push the tax burden down the road but not necessarily reduce it. Van Schaik’s amendment was defeated by a 21 to16 vote, with the requested budget passing by 21 to 14 votes. A more in-depth report is available at the Dish.

• Black River Water Testing: Results for 6/16 for Cavendish Gorge are 112 CFU and 61 CFU for Greven Field making both locations suitable for boating and swimming. For other locations on the Black River, please go to Is it Clean? When visiting Greven or the Gorge area in Cavendish, or any of the sites on the Black River being tested, please check the chart posted on-site to get a sense of the trends. Look for consistency in the numbers and stay out of the water for 24 hours after a heavy rain or any time it appears cloudy.

• Congratulations to Proctorsville’s Red Vault Productions: Red Vault productions recently won two 2021 Craft Beer Marketing Awards-Harpoon Brewery, USA Best original video/cause related and Harpoon Brewery, USA Best Original Video cause-related. Vermont Biz

Where is Vermont’s newly approved $7.32 billion budget going?

• Vermont Temporary Broadband Subsidy Program: The New Vermont Temporary Broadband Subsidy Program that provides eligible Vermont households with up to a $40 monthly credit March through December 2021 to assist with Internet service subscriptions, has opened. Consumers who received this benefit in 2020 will need to fill out a new application, even if they applied in 2020.  However, they may use their same user name and password as last year. To register, click here.

• As State of Emergency Ends, Gov. Scott acts to ensure continuity in select services: To ensure continuation of federal funding for certain programs, the Governor has signed an Executive Order issued under his general powers. This order does the following: Maintains the National Guard’s Active Services status to allow, and ensures continued State agency coordination, for ongoing support and management of the response. Extends Vermont’s access to federal funding for expanded emergency non-congregate housing and feeding programs. Allows bars and restaurants to continue pick-up and delivery of alcoholic beverages for the two-week period between the expiration of the Emergency Declaration and July 1, when recently enacted legislation makes it permanent.

3. COVID UPDATE: Vermont reached the 80% vaccination mark on Monday and the state is reopened. The pandemic State of Emergency sunset June 15, after being in place for the last 16 months. However, both free walk in vaccinations and testing will continue.

New guidelines have been issued by the VT Secretary of State, which requires physical posting of notices, and in person meetings, though the public can attend remotely.

Delta Variant: In mid-May, the first case of the Delta variant, identified in India, was detected in VT. That number has now risen to three cases. It is rapidly spreading in the United States and will soon be the dominant strain. The CDC has officially classified the delta variant of the coronavirus as a "variant of concern" to monitor in the U.S. It is 40% more transmissible than the original strain and appears to remain more contagious for longer periods of time. . The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines appear to be about 88% effective against the delta variant after two shots. The Johnson & Johnson is estimated to be about 60% effective, but more studies are needed. Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine is urging eligible Vermonters, who haven’t been vaccinated to do so to avoid the spread of this new variant.

According to Tuesday’s modeling cases are down 97% since April 1 and 41% since last week.

Vaccinations: Find the closest walk in clinics (no appointments necessary) on-line ; make an appointment for your free vaccine on-line or call 855-722-7878. The VDH Facebook page  also provides notifications of pop up and walk in clinics.



JUNE 18 (FRIDAY): GMUHS Graduation-will be held outside

JUNE 19 (SATURDAY): Happy Juneteenth, just signed into law as a US Federal Holiday. It is the country’s oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the US. Learn more.

• Mid-Summer Night’s Eve Ghost Walk of Cavendish Village. Sponsored by the Cavendish Historical Society, meet at the CHS Museum on Main St. 131 at 8pm. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a flashlight. In the case of rain, please check the Cavendish VT Facebook page for rescheduling information and/or if it will be held in-doors at the Museum. FMI: or 802-226-7807

JUNE 19-20 (SATURDAY-SUNDAY): Vermont Art Council’s Open Studio Weekend. Fletcher Farm School will be one of the spots.

JUNE 26 (SATURDAY): Birds in Bloom, market gathering of local art, decorated bird houses, and plants sponsored by Cavendish Streetscapes from Noon to 5 on the Proctorsville Green.

JULY 3 (SATURDAY): Fletcher Farm Craft Sale. Vendors and volunteers needed. FMI: Festival Director Sue Carey at

JULY 4 (SUNDAY): HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! Ludlow will have their usual fire works and other activities starting at 4 pm.

JULY 7 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists Break Maids (glam-stomp music)

JULY 14 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Yankee Chank (Cajun/Zydeco

JULY 21 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Silverbacks (blues and rock)

JULY 28 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Rick Davis and friends

JULY 31 (SATURDAY): 11th Annual Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale

AUGUST 4 (WEDNESDAY): Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Gypsy Reel (Irish/Celtic)

AUGUST 11 (WEDNESDAY):  Concert in Svec Park (Proctorsville Green), 6pm, free and open to the public. Artists: Gully Boys (Rock/Jam)

AUGUST 21 (SATURDAY: Fletcher Farm Craft Sale. Vendors and volunteers needed. FMI: Festival Director Sue Carey at

SEPT. 11 (SATURDAY): VT Golden Honey Festival 10-4 at the Golden Stage Inn, Proctorsville Depot St. Free