Cavendish Update 2/14/25: SB Mtg/Job/Hearts/Survey/News/Events
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY: Tomorrow (Saturday) is the CHS History of Chocolate Workshop with chocolatier Maren Muter-10-noon at 73 Depot St. For more information, see the Events section below.
Yes there is another storm, possibly a N’oreaster arriving Saturday evening. Please make preparations today and tomorrow as it looks like this could bring power outages.
1.Cavendish Select Board Meeting 2/10/25
2. Cavendish Town Office Job Opening
3. Find the Cavendish Hearts!
4. CCCA Survey
5. Cavendish Related News
6. Events Calendar
1. CAVENDISH SELECT BOARD MEETING 2/10/25: The video of the monthly Cavendish Select Board (SB) meeting is now available at the Okemo Valley TV Website. Unapproved minutes will soon be available at the Town’s website and the Chester Telegraph includes an article on the meeting.
This was the last meeting for George Timko who has severed on the SB for close to 25 years. He will not be running in March for the three year position he currently holds. Thank you George for your many years of service. Former SB member Sandra Russo, is running unopposed to fill his slot.
• Street light for Winery Rd and Route 103.
• Letter of Support for the Route 103 & Vt Route 131 Intersection Project: Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC) is studying this stretch of road, as a mile in either direction from the intersection is designated as a high crash location. Many drivers are speeding in this area. A consulting firm has been hired by MARC to look at the issue, which outlines the problem with the recommendation that specialists be hired to make recommendations to deal with issues raised, including traffic calming measures. More money is available because of the railroad crossing in the area. This will most likely be a 10 year project.
• Yearly Certificate of Mileage
• Shannon Devereux as the Cavendish Ethics Liaison
• Transfer Station Upgrade: Rich Chambers, town manager, will Issue a request for proposal (RFP) to have a study done that addresses traffic flow needs as well as the replacement of the building as there is no bathroom and the running water there is so shallow it’s not useable in winter. A phone, but not WiFi has recently been installed.
• School Zone Speed Limit: The lights in this area haven’t been working all that well for some time. The sheriff is recommending that the speed limit be permanently changed to 25 MPH all the time versus its current status of only when the school is open/lights flashing. Step one would be to correct the flashing light problem. Since this is a high pedestrian traffic area some of the SB members favored a permanent change to 25 MPH, while others were concerned this would create a speed trap. Chambers will send a letter to state and school to either fix the current lights and/or replace them. He will discuss with the state about making a permanent change to the speed limit in this area.
• Old Town Garage Oil Spill Update: The state has requested more testing, but the town’s insurance is not willing to continue to pay for it. More testing will be done this spring using state funds. In addition, permission is needed from Mack Molding to assess land they own in the spill area. Once testing is completed, the town can decide on future land use.
• Act 171 Discussion and Requirements (Municipal Ethics): The code of ethics is now available at the Town’s Website. Training will be required of the SB as well as appointing an ethics liaison. As noted above, Shannon Deveraux is now the town’s Ethics liaison.
• Town Meeting: Reminder that Town Meeting, which is informational only, will be on March 1 (Saturday), 2 pm at CTES. The Cavendish Baptist Church shelter program will be providing food and drinks. This is a good time to support the town’s shelter through a donation. Sample ballots for Town Articles, Election Ballot and GMUSD Ballot are available at the town’s website.
• Municipal Energy Resiliance Program: The RFP for this has just gone out and is on the town’s website. The deadline for responding is March 10.
• Planning Commission Sub Division Regulations: The Planning Commission is looking to have a public hearing in April on the revised regs. Would like to have the Regs on the town’s website. Discussed revising the town’s website.
• Solar: Signed agreement for a broker to sell the credits but parts are needed to repair the communications piece.
• Shoveling out hydrants: It would be helpful if property owners could shovel out hydrants as there is a lot of snow in the forecast.
2. JOB OPENING CAVENDISH TOWN OFFICE: The Town of Cavendish has an immediate opening for a part-time office staff member. The applicant should be well organized and detail oriented. The goal of this position is to administratively assist the Town Clerk and Assessor in maintaining an accurate annual Grand List for the Town. Duties would include the processing of property transfers, homestead declarations and all property tax exemptions. This is a part-time position with flexible hours. Pay is negotiable and dependent on the experience of the right applicant. Experience in municipal government and NEMRC software is preferred but not required. Applications, resumes and inquiries should be directed to: Town Manager
Town of Cavendish Municipal Building
37 High Street, P.O. Box 126 Cavendish, Vermont 05142
(802) 226-7291
Cavendish is an Equal Opportunity Employer
3. FIND THE CAVENDISH HEARTS: The Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) is once again sharing their love of history this February with a “find the heart” hunt at various historical spots in Cavendish’s two villages. Using the clues listed at the CHS blog, find the hearts and take a picture and/or add a heart stone of your own to the places that mean the most to you. Please don’t move the rocks.
On March 15, heart rocks will be removed and placed along the stone wall by the Cavendish Cemetery on High St. A very special thank you to the CTES 5th/6th grade students who painted the rocks as part of CHS's Young Historians Program.
4. CCCA SURVEY: Some people like concerts, some people want to hike, others want to volunteer their time to make a difference in our community. Whatever your preference, the Cavendish Community & Conservation Association wants to hear from you. Take this quick (and anonymous) survey to help guide future activities.
• Man’s Wallet Stolen on Depot St. Proctorsville: There have been a number of break-ins or attempted break-ins on Depot St. and in other parts of Proctorsville, On February 7, 2025, at approximately 1451 hours, Vermont State Police received a report of a theft from a Vehicle parked at 136 Depot St, Cavendish, Vermont. The owner was identified as Matthew Murphy. Through investigation, it was determined on February 7, 2025, at approximately 0445 hours, Murphy’s vehicle was unlocked, and an unidentified individual entered the vehicle. The individual took a brown leather wallet, which contained $60 in cash and $200 worth of gift cards. The individual fled the scene shortly after. Anyone with information is urged to call Trooper Kieran McManus with the Vermont State Police- Westminster Barracks at 802-722-4600 or submit an anonymous tip at
• New Mascot for GMUHS to be Chosen: Chester Telegraph
• Mack Molding makes largest press investment in over 25 years
• Joann’s Fabric Stores Closing in Rutland and W. Lebanon:
• Mark Huntley Concert: Gypsy Reel & Rick Redington & Touff Luv are performing a concert in memory of Mark Huntley on Saturday, Feb. 22 @ 7PM at the Ludlow Town Hall. A free event (donations greatly appreciated), doors open at 6:30 pm. FMI 802-228-3238
FEBRUARY 15 (SATURDAY): Cavendish Historical Society’s program on the History of Chocolate with Cavendish chocolatier Maren Mutter. Program will be held at the home of SuperRoasted Coffee, 73 Depot Street, Proctorsville (formerly Crows Bakery). This talk is for those 12 and up. FMI: or 802-226-7807
FEBRUARY 17 (MONDAY): President’s Day. Legal holiday Town Office and Schools Closed
FEBRUARY 17 (MONDAY)- 21 (FRIDAY): Winter Break for schools.
FEBRUARY 22 (SATURDAY): Gypsy Reel & Rick Redington & Touff Luv concert in memory of Mark Huntley, 7PM at the Ludlow Town Hall. A free event (donations greatly appreciated), doors open at 6:30 pm. FMI 802-228-3238
MARCH 1 (SATURDAY): 2 PM Town Meeting Day at the Cavendish Town Elementary Multi Purpose Room. This is an informational meeting only with all articles voted on by Australian Ballot on March 4 at the Proctorsville Fire Hall 10-7
MARCH 4 (TUESDAY): Voting Day. Polls are open from 10-7 at the Proctorsville Fire Hall.
- Mardi Gras! Les Bon Temps Roulette (Let the good times roll)
MARCH 31 (MONDAY): Last day to submit photographs for the Cavendish Calendar Contest. Submit entries to
MAY 10 (SATURDAY): Last day to add your voice to the CCCA community survey.